In loving memory ofCarol Muschette Kirk

60): Music educator, musician and
journalist, and a long time
Washington area resident, died
peacefully on Wednesday, March 25,
2015, at the Washington Hospital
Center, after a short illness. She was
the daughter of Clinton (deceased)
and Kathleen Muschett of Mandeville,
She attended Bishop Gibson High
School, Knox College, and
Shortwood Teachers' College in
Jamaica, and Rutgers U, U of
Maryland, Johns Hopkins U. and
Harvard Law School in the USA. She
served at the Jamaican Embassy in
Washington and as information
attaché at the Jamaican
Consulate-General in New York.
A thanksgiving service for Carol's life
will be held on Saturday, May 9, 2015
at St. Marks Anglican Church,
Mandeville at 2 pm
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