In loving memory ofAndre Vaughan Crawford

CRAWFORD - Andre Vaughan
(Weediz) : Age:20 yrs. Former student
of Jamaica College & late of 59
Balcombe Dr, Kgn 11. Made his
transition Wednesday December 31,
2014 leaving mother Arleen,
stepfather Anthony, brother Mark,
aunts Nadene & Coleen, uncle
Raymond, other relatives & friends.
Thanksgiving service will be held on
Sunday January 18, 2015 at Greater
Macedonia F.B.H. Church, 73-75
East Rd, Kgn 11 at 1-30 pm.
Interment at Dovecot. Dignified
professional services provided by
House of Tranquillity Funeral Home
Ltd. (C.P.F.D) 172-172b Orange St.,
Kgn. C.S.O. Tel: 967-5291/ 5352,
924-9678, Email:
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This Tribute Message was sent by
S Pruitt
Death strikes all ages,and it is sad when they are so young. Hosea 13:14 says: "From the grave Jehovah God will recover them." John 5:28,29 gives us hope of a "resurrection." These scriptures give me comfort and I know they will give you comfort too.

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To the Crawford family, you have my condolences in your loss. No parent expects their children to die before they do and this has to be heart wrenching! However, God knows your grief and will wipe away your tears and death will be no more(Rev. 21:4)!

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Lewin M
Condolences to the family and Friends of the late Andre, losing a beloved family is a very sad experience especially when it is at such a young age but rest assured that the God and Father of all Tender Mercies will provide the help you will need, Is
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J Parchment
The creator Jehavah, promises a resurrection at Acts 24:15 which says:"There is going to be a resurrection..."
I hope this will bring you some comfort as you go through this difficult time.