In loving memory ofPeter Samuel Blake

BLAKE - Peter Samuel "Short Man": Late of 1343 West Windermere Place, Cumberland, St Catherine, died on November 15, 2014 leaving wife Karene, 3 sisters Desmarie, Nadine, Charmaine, 6 brothers Raphael, Pavel, Denworth, Wayne, Paul, 1 aunt Madge, 7 Children, Peter-Gaye, Trey, Yasheka, Yasha - Kay, Aleyah, Sayuri and Devoi, other relatives and friends. Funeral service will be held on Sunday, December 28, 2014 9:00am at King's Chapel S.D.A Church, 57 Windward Rd., Kgn 16. Interment family plot Arcadia, St. Elizabeth. Profesional Care Entrusted to Hessies Funeral Services, 484-3672 / 459-9202 / 630-0237
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