In loving memory ofHartley Phillips

PHILLIPS - Hartley Clifford Euton:
Late of 717 Walkway, 27 Braeton
Phase 6, Portmore, St. Catherine,
Henkel Jamaica Ltd. and Rural
Retreat, St. Ann. Died on Monday,
October 13, 2014. Leaving children
Delroy and Yvette, step-daughter
Kayona and Kerry-Ann, sister Ruby,
brothers Glen, Hugh, Vincent, Garriel
and Kingsley, daughter-in-law, 3
grandsons, uncle, nieces, nephews,
other relatives and friends. Funeral
Service will be held on Sunday, November
2, 2014 at the Claremont S.D.A.
Church, St. Ann at 11a.m. Interment
in the Claremont Cemetery.
Professional Services Entrusted to
Lindo & Sons Funeral Home, 136½
King Street, Kgn. Tele: 967-5413 or
840-2603. Email: lindoandsonsfuneral
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