In loving memory ofNathan Jaimar Craig Johnson

JOHNSON - Nathan Jaimar Craig: 5 months, late of Meadowvale, Portmore, St. Catherine & E59th Street, Brooklyn, New York, died on Saturday June 21, 2014 leaving mother Alicia, father Marvin, a host of many other beloved relatives and friends. Funeral service will be held on Saturday July 19, 2014 at 10am at the Power of Faith Ministries, Lot 13, Portmore Town Centre, St Catherine. Interment in the Dovecot Memorial Park. Cheerful colours only please. Professional services by Empathy Funeral Home, Lot 55 West Trade Way, Portmore, 704-0759 or 875-2018
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Shirley Pruitt
We all hate to see babies die. Their life has just begun. Jehovah 'yearns' to reunite children with their parents by means of a resurrection, and he has made provision to do so thru ransom of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). Sorry for your loss.

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Kim Chambers
Why do little angels always go first? May god bless you. I hope you guys stay strong through this tough time. I don't know you but my prayers are with you guys.

This Tribute Message was sent by
Carol Richardson
So adorable. I am so sorry about your loss. Believe that Jehovah the true God promises to unite us with our loved ones again . The resurrection will take place Acts. 24:15. Never let go of your hope in the resurrection because God cannot lie.

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M Lewin
condolences to the family and friends of the late Mr. Nathan, losing a beloved family member is a very sad but painful experience but rest assured that the God and Father of all Tender Mercies will comfort you in your times of need and provide the C
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To the family of Nathan, you have my condolences. Why do babies die?Many believe that babies die because God needed an angel. However, according to Romans 5:12, all humans inherited sin and death from Adam. Through Jesus the gift of life is promised!