In loving memory ofPriscilla Olivia Mclean

MCLEAN - Priscilla Olivia (Sajjanie): Late of 19 Oakdain Road, Kingston 11, age 18, died on April 28, 2014. Leaving mother Cita, 4 sister, 1 brother, 3 nieces, nephew, grandparents, great grand mother, aunts, uncles, cousins other relatives and friends. Funeral services will held on Sunday May 25, 2014 at 1:00 pm at Gospel Light House Deliverance Center, 229½ Spanish Town Road. Interment follows in Dovecot Memorial Park. Dignified services provided by Lee Mason Funeral Home. Tel: 941-6236.
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This Tribute Message was sent by
Jean Parchment
John 5:28 Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out... May these words bring you comfort

This Tribute Message was sent by
Carol Richardson
So young so beautiful with her whole future ahead of her. That still remains because God promises to resurrect our loved ones. Acts 24:15.

This Tribute Message was sent by
M Lewin
May you continue to find comfort and hope during these stressful times.
"Your dead will live. My corpses will rise up. Awake and shout joyfully, You residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, And earth will let those powerles
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To the family of Priscilla, you have my deepest sympathy in your loss. What parent expects their child to precede them in death? God knows your pain and soon will reverse the conditions of sin, and he will swallow up death forever (Isa 25:8)!