In loving memory ofNugent Walker (Don King)

WALKER - Nugent ( 1Fox/Sam/Pretty Boy/Cassava Man/Don King): Late of Goodwill, Chatham, St. James, died on January 9, 2014. Leaving: 6 children, grandchildren, 5 sisters, 4 brothers, care giver, nieces, nephews other relatives & friends. Funeral service will be held on Sat January 25, 2014 at the Bethephil Baptist Church, Unity Hall at 1:00 pm. Interment follows in the F/Plot Goodwill, St.James. Funeral Director: Delapenha Funeral Home.
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Carol Richardson
Please have faith and believe that those who die, can live again. Our Father, Jehovah, promises to resurrect our loved ones. Acts 24:15. Pleasant memories.

This Tribute Message was sent by
M Lewin
Condolences to the family and friends of the lateMr.Walker aka (Don KIng), iosing a beloved father and friend is a very sad and painful experience but rest assured that the God and Father of all TenderMercies will comfort u in all your trials and pro
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To the family of Nugent (Don King), you have my deepest sympathy in your loss. Why do humans only live for 70 or 80 years, when trees and animals live for hundreds of years? Soon God will make good on his promise of everlasting life (Psalms 37:29).