In loving memory ofEvan May Stephens (Maego)

STEPHENS - Evan May (Maego), late of Rest District, Milk River, Clarendon. Died on April 1, 2012 leaving 8 children, 18 grand, mother Miriam Durrant, 5 sisters, 3 brothers, uncle Kayba, auntie edna longmore (Mama Woodie) other relatives and friends. Funeral service will be held on Sunday May 6, 2012 at the Church of God Seventh Day Church, Pass Side Milk River at 12:30pm. Interment in the family plot Funeral Director Phillips & Son Funeral Service Limited.
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This Tribute Message was sent by
Brenda Hamilton
R.IP my dear friend

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it's six months since you left this earth word's can't express the love we all share, we miss you mama rest in the harm's of god. fr.daugther smiley ,wayne and children.

This Tribute Message was sent by
yavannicka morris
grandma i miss you rest on the right hand of god .
from granddaughter yavannicka morris aka gala

This Tribute Message was sent by
annemarie mclemont
my dear mother ,why i asked? if only you know how we missed you, your laughter ,your tears ,your sweet treats,your love your passion,your sadness your love you share for your children ,family and friends.may god be with you my gentle love.missed by d

This Tribute Message was sent by
jessica annemarie mclemont
sadness is not for us,sadley you left us so sudden,oh my dear mom sometimes i could still here your laughter in my ear,i still smell your sweet treats i still see your sadness,your pain ,your sorrow,your lost ,your gain,your sweat and the passionate

This Tribute Message was sent by
annemarie mclemont
i miss you grandma i love you, mom told me you are in heaven when walter and i pray we pray for you.from grand children yulin & yassunnie morris.

This Tribute Message was sent by
yardie morris
we miss you grand ma, r.i.p from grandchildren yardie &yulandra; morris.

This Tribute Message was sent by
andrew gayle tabe
R.I.P mego we miss you my god be with you

This Tribute Message was sent by
Simone Gayle
R.I.P Evan Stephens you are sadly miss by your cousins.

This Tribute Message was sent by
jessica annemarie smiley mclemont
My dearest mother,wow it's seems as if u had pass away just yesterday,but it as been one year and six months,my mommy I missed you so much,as each day passes it gave me great pain to know you are not here,I as I know my darest mom you are in heaven.

This Tribute Message was sent by
jessica annemarie smiley mclemont
Today I cried with pain knowing I was not there with you in the last days you was on this blessed earth ,I promise you I will never forget you, there was joy now is only sadness,I will always cherish each moment we had from I was a babe until adult.

This Tribute Message was sent by
yavannicka so sweet morris aka gala
Rip mama we miss you each and every day we will cherish the memories we had.your memory is a keep sake which we will always.emblem we have pictures in a frame which we always be a rememberance for you my precious grandama evan may stephens aka mama.

This Tribute Message was sent by
jessica annemarie smiley mclemont
Now christmas is near,and you are not here with us baking those dark christmas fruit cake,as I can think back the last time I visted I stear in your eyes only to see pain and sadness,but my dearest mom your heart is as sweet as that fruit cake.smiley

This Tribute Message was sent by
jessica annemarie smiley mclemont
Christmas and new year as passed, I can't call are see you, but the best thing is you are always in our hearts,I misses you so much mommy yvonne.

This Tribute Message was sent by
Jessica,a.k.a smiley
Mama,omg it's been two years since you pass away ,with all the sadness as passes,with all the pain day by day we feel some what is all to share. Mama I misses you ,with the sadness that I am feeling all I remember is the laughter and kindness we shar

This Tribute Message was sent by
Jessica mclemont
I know that you have pass away but today is mother's as long as you are in heaven happy mothers day mom.from smiley

This Tribute Message was sent by
Jessica mclemont
Mama I wish you was here but you left without a good bye,all my eyes cried tears of sadness.from ur daughter smiley.

This Tribute Message was sent by
yavannicka morris
up n running ,,,,,, all when you dead you up n running grandma rest in peace str8888 a gala say that with baey badness backa dat we miss you god no best love yah xoxo

This Tribute Message was sent by
Annemarie Mclemont
It's been some months since I written here,mom with the tears of my eye's I will always missed you even when some may forget you I will never,I will always love you.

This Tribute Message was sent by
Jessica Mclemont turgott
Miss you my dearest mo

This Tribute Message was sent by
Nardia Stephens
Rest in peace my dear cousin (an aunt in my heart). I miss your love, kind and caring ways. Your memory will live on forever....I love you always!
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