In loving memory ofWyatt Shavor Emanuel Crandon

CRANDON - Wyatt Shavor Emanuel: Aged 18 months, late of Christiana, Manchester died on September 17, 2013. Leaving parents, 1 brother, 1 sister, other relatives and friends. Funeral service will be held on Monday September 30, 2013 at Oaklawn Memorial Gardens Chapel, Dunsinane, Manchester at 1:00pm. Interment follows in the Gardens. Professional services by Lyn's Funeral Home, Mandeville.
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sharlene lynch
My Wyatt. My thunder. My child. My son. My firstborn. My prince. My pride. My joy. My boy. My love. My life. My inspiration. My sunshine. My blessing. My everything. Oh how I miss you. I cry for you. I remember you. I pray for you. Mummy nd Wyatt.

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Makeisha Brown
Precious memories, unseen angel, that's who u r lil Wyatt. This isn't something I wished to be doing now bcuz I always imagined u being here playing nd laughing. As I write presently my heart is literally aching bcuz of the memories of ur life's jour

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Makeisha Brown
journey, both bitter nd sweet. I still love u endlessly. Hope some sweet day I'll get to hold and hug u again. Rest continually in peace. Auntie loves u. Memories will never shiver but always linger in my heart. Jesus is with u all the way baby.

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Taneka Gibson
Even though your time here was short, you will be remembered a life time. You live on in our hearts lil man and youre missed with every sunshine each morning and the evening dawn that fades. You had the strength of a giant. Loved you in life and in

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Gregory Gorney
His mother Sharlene will always have a special place in my heart. I knew that in meeting Wyatt someday, I would see the best qualities of her in him. He brought a special joy that only a mother could know, and special moments and memories to be re

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Natalee Mendez
The sky will never be the same out this little we miss yy with lots of love

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Sharlene Lynch-Mommy
unexplainably, irrevocably, indescribably and indefinitely loved. My Wy. Everyday I think f you son. God only knows how much pain Im in. I wish I could just hold you one more time. My sweet beautiful boy. Oh how I miss you. U live on in my heart- til

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sharlene lynch
Happy birthday Thunder. Wait on for me son. I will see you again. Mummy and Wyatt throughout eternity

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Simon Crandon
Little man- I didn't get to meet you, but the stories about your bravery and your resilience make me feel you right here in my heart. Noone else could be your mom. wyatt you are loved. I miss u and I didn know you. keep smiling and watch over mummy

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Daniella Lowe
Wyatt the news of your death came as a shock. We all thought the worst was over. U r truely a hero. Love u. Such a beautiful spirit. Such a darling boy. Rip Wyatt. We all miss you

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Errol Davidson
Wyatt-brave boy. Young warrior. The earth was not your home. You came to fulfil a purpose. Its done. The lioness in ur mom emerged seeing the fierceness of her love and protectiveness she had for u made me fall in love with her all ovr. Sleep on

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Errol Davidson
Wyatt. A short well lived life. U hve touched so many. I fell in love with your mother all over again because of the hidden her who emerged because of u. Such fierce love. Sleep Wyatt. Help me take care of your mom. Hugs nd kisses son

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Wyatt today March 30, 2014 your tomb was completed. That's the last thing I could do for you son. As I listen, "Many Rivers to Cross", I cry. It is only my will that keeps me alive son and the fact that you held my hand before u left me. I miss u.

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Im not sleeping tonight son its 1am I'm thinking of you. How i miss u babyboy. My Wyatt. Almost 9 mnths since u left me. The pain goes on. Sleep son. Wait on for mummy. I love u.I still cry but i smile too cause u were my greatest joy. Kisses hugs

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Wyatt, I did get a chance to meet you while you were in the states. you were a strong little man than, and you are even stronger now. Play on little man, play on.

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Wyatt. I met you when you were in the states. You were a strong little man than, and I know you even stronger now. I will miss you even though is was for a short time. Play on little man, play on.

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Donavon Reid
A baby is a blessing, a gift from heven above. A precious little angel, to cherish and to love.

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Life is so precious, yet we take so much for granted. The loss of a child, especially one so dear to me and one as precious as Wyatt; the hurt still lingers. My only reassuring thought is how much he was loved by his parents. How much they fought f

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Appolonie lynch
My nephew,I didnt get a chance to meet. I was looking forward to meet you in December2013. Am still saddened by your passing but its a journey we alll have to travel but yours was too early. Sleep little one. Lots of love from auntie Appolonie Lynch

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Sherine James
Wyatt, I did not get a chance to meet you, but I know you had a profound impact in the short time you were here. You are gone from this earth but your love and memory will live on. This Is an eternal flame. You were deeply loved.

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Tricia Spence
Sweet baby Wyatt, I will never forget that smile. I think about you every day when I look at the teddy bears you gave my girls, little did we know that was the last time we would see you before you were called into heaven. Continue to watch over yo

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Tricia Spence
mom as she did such a tremendous job taking care of you. You will always be in our thoughts and hearts. Love you throughout eternity. .. The Spence family.

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A beautiful soul gone way too soon. You are sadly missed and forever loved.

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"U r my sunshine my only sunshine..." so true Thunder. Today is 9 mnths since u left me. Ive been emgulfed in a dark cloud since. Today u were with me in our song. It popped in on the radio mysteriously. I smiled. Thnk u my angel. I love u.Always

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Its 10 months since u left me son. I am yet to move on. the memories seem to have been hidden- cause now they are flooding me- bitter-sweet. I wish how I wish I could hear u laugh again, or just to see u reaching for me to lift u up. Sleep on- untill

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Wyatt and Mummy
So lost so lonely so miserable without u Thunder. I cant bear the torture of missing you. These tears. How they fall. My Wyatt. 11 months of sorrow. How I suffer. Rest baby. I know u r with me. Dont allow me to fall apart son. I love u.

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one year ago, a Saturday like today I took u home. u were so happy. I was nervous but hopeful. I never knew u only had days left with me. God only knows what Im facing son. I miss u so much I wanna die. But I carry on one day I will see u again.SIP

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its almost 1 am but thts ok because if u were here Id probably be up anyway. my love. I will never love any other like I loved/love u.u kno im crying so much now as the anniversary of your death draws nigh. how do I face it baby boy? mommy needs help

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Claudia Woon Chin
Wyatt you are the bravest little boy I have ever met. You have a warrior for a mom who loves and fought for you valiantly. I know you are resting in the Lord's arms, because he would have it no other are forever to her to her heart connected.

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Aunty- Marva Lynch Bailey
Wyatt, only the good dies young- that is u. u were created for a special reason and that reason was for u not to be a part of this world. u are where u should be- with the angels. We love miss & cry for u but u r safe & free. Sleep on our GO WYATT.

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Wyatt. Son I know u know mummy is lost without u.15 mnths of agony.ur smile forever embedded in my heart. Oh how I miss you.

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Danielle Collins
I never knew you but you seemed to have left a huge hole in the hearts of the persons who did. You are a special baby boy. I wish u were still here so I could have gotten a chance to meet you and so your mummy wouldn't have to be in so much pain. We

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Danielle Collins
We will never know why God chose you but I hope he grants strength to those who are mourning for you. You are in a better place now. Keep resting peacefully baby.

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Shenelle Dillion
Wyatt ur a blessing. .. ur have bought so much joy 2 ur mom... the pain she feels Knowning ur nt here is unbearable I also feels such pain... seeing ur adorable pics ... ur bright smile... it's sad I am tears knowning tht ur gone.. love u wyatt...

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16 mnths. Time is flying yet standing still Thunder. Mummy is lost without u. So many bittersweet memories. How they haunt. I love u son now nd 4eva

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There are days that I want to just put my thumb in my mouth and cry for you son. where did I go wrong? missing you doesn't explain what I feel. My heart literally aches for you. Sleep on baby boy. im loving you still.

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Nobody answers when I call your name. Wyatt.17 mnths. like rain tears fall .baby boy. Im lost. Ive been living in hell since u left me. A lifetime of not knowing where or when or how or why. The agony of the time im doing in a prison of grief. SIP

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Baby. Its ur birth month. Im tearing up inside out. I anticipated ue arrival. Didn't imagine ur departure wld hve been so soon. Help me through this mnth my angel Wyatt. I see u everyday in everything around me. I cling to the memories mummy nd Wyatt

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Happy birthday little darling. I never met u. But ur mom makes me feel like i know u. U r loved. Dance in heaven

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Your birthday has gone Thunder. I brought u balloons. I remember how u loved balloons and balls. Glad i bought u both nd we played with them while u were here. Wait on baby. Mommy will play with u again. I love u Wyatt

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It was a Tuesday morn like this that i sang to u nd prayed for u told u id b back later. But later was earlier than i thought. They said come back u were going. 9:30 am 18 mnths ago u left. Its 2:54 now im not asleep Wyatt.Im remembering u. SIP baby

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Darling boy Wyatt. Such an angel. U and your mom were quite a team. Its obvious to all those who saw you together that the love was real and strong. U brought out the best in her. Rest in Paradise baby. U r missed.

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Wyatt your name alone speaks volume. Your love resounds in your mothers voice. I know you though Ive never met you. Rest in the arms of angels.

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Another mnth has gone by without u Thunder. Missing ur hugs nd kisses. I miss ur beautiful smile nd the sound of ur laughter. I cry. And I cry. If I cld just hold u again. I loved u then i love u now my son. Wyatt nd mummy. Just the two of us.

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1yr 8 mnths today. thts how long u left me physically. I feel u still. I kno u r with me. U r right here in my heart. My darling. My prince. My brave strong warrior. I miss u pumpkin. These tears. But i smile. i know u chose me. Im blessed. SIP baby

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2:40 am May 28 2015. Wish I cld go back 3yrs nd watch u sleep 2yrs nd sing. U were so strong brave. My hero my fighter. What happened Thunder y did u let go? Ur memories r gonna kill me. My heart is shattering. I cnt go on like this. I wanna let go.

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The 17th. That fateful Tuesday morning 1yr 9 mnts ago. The day my angel went back to being God's angel. Angel Wyatt. The day my sorrow was maximised. Tonight again I cry. Still no answer to my question- why?. Sleep on Tiger. Rest in Parsdise. Prince.

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U wld b 3 yrs 4 mnths now. I'm in one of those moods where nothin can cheer me up. I miss u sweetie. God it doesn't get easier with time. I'm engulfed in so much sorrow I just want to go quiet nd hide away in a cave. Help me baby. Smile 4 me. I cry

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Time is moving on baby but I'm not. Dreamed about u just now. I was singing like I used to walk in the light to put u to bed. So good to hold u.Only it was just a dream. So I cry. 1 yr 10 mnths since u left me I'm gonna see u again till then SIP son

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Tosora Codner
Seeing all these tributes just brought tears to my eyes, knowing how young u were, u never got a chance to explore dis world, but hey I guess God needed u more lil man, i can tell u tho u are missed and loved dearly.... Sleep on papa we all shall mee

This Tribute Message was sent by
Paul Miller
Wyatt- your mom misses you beyond words. But, she knows you are no longer in agony and she is comforted by that. Shine through her young Prince; and give her strength.

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Dawn Campbell
Hey little sinshine , a giant rainbow in a storm you are ur mommy's strength I know u r cheering her on. Hope u r having a great time tiger.

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Wyatt and Mummy
Today you would have been 3 yrs 5 mnts baby velour. I remember u 3 yes ago today u wore ur Jamaican suit that said "a star is born" that u were son my star. I love you Wyatt. I'm stronger because of you. Sleep on in paradise my hero, my son

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Wyatt 1yr11mnts since u went in the arms of angels. Do they sing for u THUNDER? I sang for u today. Did u hear me? The way that it could have been stays with me. It's been so hard without u my handsome prince. Sleep on till I hold u again. I love u.

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Broken Mom
It's September My Wy. The worst Mnth. The 1 that confirmed we were fighting a lost battle. This baby is torture. I want to pull my legs up suck my thumb and look away. I'm losing my mind. I'm done being strong. To hell with it all. I miss u 2 much

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Wyatt and Mummy
It's 3:30 am WY I'm thinking of u.2 yrs ago I was with u In ICU praying for a miracle u'd come home. Little did I no u were ready to go home. I can't find words to tell u how I feel now. Just know son that I live 4 the day when I will see u again.

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I hate this time of year. It reminds me of torture, unending sadness, missing someone who meant so much to me. I looked forward to watch u grow, exclaim about those beautiful dimples even from ur tiny smiles. Wyatt, u left an everlasting love in my h

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Wyatt, u left an everlasting love in my heart. I'm deeply saddened by ur death. What is life like after death? I don't know! But I really hope to see you again. I will always love u Wyatt. Always! We should be celebrating your life instead we are gri

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We should be celebrating your life instead we are grieving your death. Honestly I really can't believe u are gone. I hope u knew I loved u and I still do, endlessly...

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Today is an extremely sad day. Ur memories are everlasting, always present in my heart. U were genuinely loved Wyatt. Continue resting in peace baby.

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Wyatt. I love u baby.U were getting so big. U must be tall now and so so sweet. I remember ur eyes. How can I not? Every time I see ur father its u I'm looking at. Those eyes. I miss u Thunder. Ur memories seep through my veins every day. My WY.

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Today it's 25 months since u transitioned Thunder. I hold on to all the nights you slept on my stomach. Now I no y I hardly made u sleep on the bed. We were creating memories. Sleep on baby in the arms of angels until I can hold u again. I love u Wy

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Broken mom
I dreamed of u last night Thunder. I didn't know it was u. But u held u nd realized. U felt like my WY. Ud b big now. What would we b doing? I miss u more than I can explain. I cry so much. I get angry cause I dnt understand y u had to go. Love u Wy

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Wyatt. I say ur name and it brings me both joy and sorrow. Joy remembering our bond and how happy you were even when u suffered. Sorrow because of ur suffering tears and horrible demise. I miss you more than I can explain. I live to see u again.

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Broken disillusioned mom
Baby boy.2yrs 3mnts since u left me. Not a day goes by when I Dnt think of u. I'm trapped in an abyss of sorrow. Some days I think I'm gonna go mad missing u. Y? Did I do enough? Was it my fault?. If only I could know. I love u Wyatt. Sleep on Kisses

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Lonely mom
It's Christmas Wy. I bought u a drum nd balloons our only Christmas 2gether. I'm crying son cause I so wanna see u smile those dimples nd eyes. R u seeing ur tree Wy. I no ud b trying 2 pick the lights off. Mummy decorated it 4 u Love u baby Kisses

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Wyatt and Mummy
Happy New Year pumpkin. We celebrated one together. I kissed u as u slept. I prayed God wld heal u one way or another. The year u left me. Will the pain ever go? Baby I miss u. My sweet son. I will always love u best. I'd love one of ur hugs now.

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Resigned mom
1 mnth away frm ur 4th birthday son. I wonder what ud b doing now, what we'd b doing together. I dreamed of teaching u 2 ride play football nd cricket, of kissing u as u head off 2 schl. I can only kiss ur pic. How I miss u Wy. It's been so hard. SIP

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Feb 17th I was so miserable shouting nd cussing out everyone angry and sad. Knew somn was wrong but couldn't remember what. Next morning it hit me. U died on a 17th 2 yrs 5 mnths ago. Oh Wy it hurts so badly. Ur memories haunting me. I love u son.RIP

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Sorrowful mom
I live the definition of torture. Wyatt baby if only I couldve taken your place. I'm so sorry Thunder I wish I couldve done more. But I gave it my all. I cld nt save u. I die a little more inside everyday missing u. I love u son with everything in me

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Happy 4th birthday my son. It rained so heavily today, just like at ur funeral bur I went to ur grave anyway. I left u a balloon and sent some to u. Did u get them? Hope u flew with them. Do u see me crying baby? I miss u so much. Ur smile lives on.

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Thunder. I'm still missing u with the same painful intensity. Still clouded by the same awful sorrow. 2 yrs 7 mnts nd nothing has changed. U r still the Centre of my world. My most treasured gift. My Wyatt. I love u pumpkin. Now and forever. Sleep on

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Sweetheart. Im so thinking of u today. My brave prince. How
I told my doc 2day tht u made me stop fearing injections. U got hundreds. I had to give u too. Killed me everytime I did. I love u Wyatt. Always nd forever my heart. Sleep on my Thunder.

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Akash and mom
Wyatt. Tonight I'm crying. You should hve been here to meet your brother Akash. He looks so much like u its unsettling. I miss u my treasured boy. Mummy will love u till forever is gone. Swatch over us now son. Our Angel.

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Akash and mom
Today ur brother is one mnt nd it's been 2yrs 9mnts since u left me. I call him Wyatt daily. I love him but tht hasnt affected the way I love u Thunder. I still cry 4 u. I still cry 4 u. I miss u hon. I know ud b an excellent big bro. Sleep on Wy.

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Wyatt!!! Screaming in my head. My prince. My heart. My firstborn. My love. 2 yrs 11 mnths, still I cry. U just pop up in my memory when I least expect it, something u did. That smile. Those eyes. How I miss u baby. My treasured child. Sleep on Wyatt.

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Lonely nights. I guess the words are for u Wy. 3 lonely years hve gone by. Still for u my Thunder I cry. Sleep on. What a day it will be when we meet again. Mean time watch over us. I love u Wy, forever.

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Wyatt! I feel like shouting ur name 2nite. Im thinking of ur smile. How I miss tht little unexpected one. Sigh. I know u r smilin dwn st me now. U will always be in my heart baby. Mummy and Wyattthen, now and forever. My hero.

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Humbled mom
It's Heroes Day son a very fitting day to honour u, my personal hero. I salute u Wyatt for ur courage, ur strength and urbrave fight for life. U survived when the odds were against u. 2day 3 yrs 1 mnth u did enough and went home to rest. Love u 4eva

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Wyatt my son. Forever I will love u. It's been 3rs 5 mnths but tht means nothing to my heart. Time has stood still since u left me. Yes I still cry. Ur bro no longer reminds me of u. U both r so different: u gentle he thunderous. I miss u boy. Kisses

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In the cold and dark there you lay
Melting slowly, away in the clay.
I cried, then I smiled, knowing that one day.
Our tears will turn joy while we wait and pray.
Wyatt Happy Birthday. I can't tell u how much I miss u. I'm watching and

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Mummy and Wyatt
5 years old! My big little man! My Wyatt. U came to tell me to go 2 ur grave- thnks son. I didn't forget. My heart was there Hope u enjoy ur balloons. I so wanted to see u grow. It's ur strength tht keeps me strong. Hbd baby. 4ever in my heart.kisses

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Wy. My child. My 5 year old. Ur brother doesn't like his car seat. I thought of u 2day as he fought 2 get out. U never once resisted driving in it. Ud put tht thumb in ND thts it. My Thunder. What would u be like now? Oh how I miss u my heart SIP son

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WY WY 3yrs11mnts since the summer sun went with u. My angel. Sometimes missing u gets too hard and nothing can reach the pain it brings. Thunder ur death has left a hole that gets bigger as time moves on. I miss you my son. I keep on loving you.

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Memories of your life's journey are still vivid. Some makes me smile, others makes me weep. We still discuss the excruciating pain u must have endured. It was hard Wyatt but I wanted u to live. Sleep on in heavenly peace baby. I will always love u.

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My son. heart of my heart. my Prince. tonight I am thinking of you. 4 yrs 2 mnths since u left me. it was the 2 of us. 1 frm 2 = nothing. i miss u like crazy baby. the pain is still so potent. Rest on my Angel. mummy loves u always & forever

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it's December baby. We only had one together. I so wanted to give u a Christmas to remember. But it wasn't to be
U left. I am trying to feel the joy the season brings but I can't. I miss u too very much. Happy December my Wy.

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Wyatt baby Happy 2018. two months away frm ur 6th cakeday. Oh how my heart bleeds for u. I sure do miss u son. I still tell to u. I sometimes scream ur name hoping u can hear. only God knows. At times I can almost feel u by my side. I love u my boy.

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My sweetheart. Wyatt. Tonight I'm reaching towards the spirit world cause I so wanna hug you. my baby
if only I could. I miss u like crazy. rest on

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So it's your birthday baby. All of 6 today! Happy birthday my angelic sunshine. My Wyatt. I know you will be with me today as I honour you. Sleep on son. If love could bring you back you'd be here a million times. Singing Who Made Wyatt and Mommy

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Nobody answers when I call your name. Time doesn't heal. I'm thawed so I can clearly recall the entire time I spent with u. I can still see ur smile, smell u. I see u in ur brother. I groan when the pain of missing u hits so hard. Wyatt. my Prince.

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It's 1:21 am Wy I can't sleep. Tonight your memory haunts me. I ask again was it something I did that made u sick? Could I have done more to save u? 4 yrs 8 mnths since u left. I can't move on. I miss u so very much. It is so very hard. i love u son
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sharlene lynch
My sunshine. I love you. I miss you. You gave me strength. I was blessed to have you in my life