Obits Jamaica - Celebrating Life


In loving memory ofEsmaida RAMNAUGHT (Aunt Tiny)

Esmaida RAMNAUGHT (Aunt Tiny)

RAMNAUGHT - Esmaida "Aunt Tiny": Late of 43 Feather Bed Lane, Sp.Twn died on Nov. 15, 2012. Leaving husband Percival, children- Rudolph, Carol, Sonnia & Joann, 7 grand & 5 great grandchildren, sisters, brothers, other relatives & frieds. Funeral service will be on Sunday 23rd Dec. 2012 at the Spanish Town S.D.A Church, Brunswick Ave at 1 pm. Interment at Dovecot Memorial Park. Professional service entrusted to Lindo & Sons Funeral Home, 136½ King St. Tel # 967-5413, 840-2603. Email

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