In loving memory ofAlexander McDonald (Big Mac, Gentleman, A.C)

MCDONALD -Alexander (Big Mac, Gentleman, A.C.): Late of Kellits Clarendon, died on Sunday October 7, 2012 leaving wife Winnie, children Faith, Maurice, Grace& Alistair, sisters Freda (Kingston), Sunshine (England), grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday November 3, 2012 at Church of God In Jamaica, 93B Constant Spring Road, at 10:00 am Interment follows immediately in All Saints, Crofts Hill, Clarendon. Professional Services provided by Roman's Funeral Home Limited 876-969-3821-2.
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You were one of the best and brightest men I have ever known.
I miss you every day, You had such a positive outlook on life, strong love of God, and love and respect of everyone you met.
I know we will meet again, but for now I miss you.
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Karsna Thomas
I am sorry for your loss. May you take comfort in God's promise that " the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out,..."John 5:28,29.