In loving memory ofDr. Ina McGregor

McGREGOR - Ina Dr.: Late of Four Paths Clarendon, Mount Dawson, Sligoville Health Centre and 12 Roseberry Drive, Kingston 8 died on September 30, 2012, leaving sisters Beryl (Detroit, USA) and Lilian (NY,USA); Niece, Barbara Morgan, (NY, USA), grandnieces Imani (Florida, USA) and Efua (NY, USA), God daughter Beverly Lawrence and faithful caregivers Beulah, Rose & Sophie other relatives and friends. Thanksgiving service will be held on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the Cathedral of St. Jago de la Vega, Spanish Town at 10:00 am. Interment follows in the Dovecot Memorial Park. In Lieu of flowers, donations will be taken in aid of Mt. Moorelands Anglican Church. Funeral Directors Roman's Funeral Home Ltd. 969-3821-2
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This Tribute Message was sent by
Donna Mcgregor
To my dearest cousin I am greaved of your passing may you Rip I will always always remember you and your kind words.
This Tribute Message was sent by
Karsna Thomas
I am sorry for your loss. May you take comfort in God's promise that " the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out,..."John 5:28,29. I hope gives you comfort.