In loving memory ofTrevor Wright

Wright - Trevor was born on February 10, 1939 and passed away on November 28, 2017
In loving memory of a Beloved Husband, Father, GrandFather, GreatGrandFather, Brother, Uncle and Friend.
Formerly of Mandeville Jamaica, New York and Dover Delaware.
Leaves behind wife Winnifred, Children Anthony, Patricia, Norman, Kevin, Terrence, Angela, Robert and Andrew.
9 Grand Children, 2 Great Grand Children
He was devoted to his family and never wavered regarding the importance of Life. You will always be in our hearts while resting in the arms of our Lord. R.I.P
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Dear the relatives and friend of mr.wright;
I want to express mt deepest condolences to the relatives and friend of mr. Wright right now.
I want to share a word of comfort from the bible. The scripture at john 5:28-29, show us that those hearing his

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Patricia Wright
R.I.P. Dad I will miss you, but your memories live on in my heart.

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M Lewin
May you continue to find comfort and hope at this stressful time,losing a beloved family member is a very painful experience.
"Your dead will live. My corpses will rise up.Awake and shout joyfully, You residents in the dust! For your dew is as the d

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The Almighty is well aware of the deep hurt felt by the Wright family . God has promised to be "a refuge and strength, A help that is readily found in times of distress." Psalms 46:1 Condolences to the family.

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I am sorry for your loss. May fond memories of happier days be a source of comfort during these difficult days. We have the assurances from God that He will swallow up death forever and wipe tears from all faces that promise is sure. (Isaiah 25:8)

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Michelle A
So sorry for your loss. May Jehovah comfort you and your family. Isaiah 41:10

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My deepest condolences to your family. Death was not part of God's original plan for mankind. He promises to swallow up death forever and He will wipe away the tears from all faces. Isaiah 25: 8.

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The sting of death touches the very core of our hearts and emotions. Please find comfort in knowing that Jehovah is our source of hope and comfort during time of grief. He also promises a hope for those sleeping in death at 1 Corinthians 15:26.

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I am truly sorry to hear of your family loss.I would like to extend my deepest condolences.Death is so unnatural.our loving God Jehovah created us to live for ever.Please read Psalms 37:29 and Isaiah 25:8

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huguns jean B
my condolences to the family and friends of Mr Trevor
May Jehovah the God of all comfort, comforts you and your family in your time of need.

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So sorry for your loss. Rest assured that Our great God Jehovah hates death; he views it as an enemy. (1 Corinthians 15:26) He has a longing to conquer that enemy, to undo death by means of the resurrection. He yearns to bring back those who are in

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Job said: "You will call, and I myself shall answer you." Thus he showed that he believed in the resurrection - Job 14:14,15. I hope the Wright Family do too.

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I would like to extend my warm sincere condolences to your family. Death is such an enemy. "May the God of comfort" be with you at this time. 2 Corinthians vereses 3-6 Please contact, for additional encouragement.

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The Pain,the grief and the feelings of helplessness can seem unbearable.During those times withdrawing maybe easy, Know this at 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 GOD IS THE COMFORT OF ALL IN EVERY SORT OF TRIAL. Please except my comfort in your time of need.

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E williams
sorry for your lost and I know its hard when we loose a love one because I lost my daughter three years ago and I am still grieving but I remember Jesus word at John 5.28.29. please take a look at it and I have u in my prayers

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Robin setal
Searching for alphonso fraser from templehall st andrew
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The memory of dear Trevor remains alive in our hearts and minds. I am looking forward to the time when we all can welcome back Trevor to life as our dear Father and God Jehovah has promised.