In loving memory ofKymmesha Dawkins

DAWKINS - Kymmesha Tussan Lue Quee: A true "Gem", and her little angel A'zuri was taken too soon from this earth, well loved by family members both died on November 24, 2017. Our hearts will always remember you and your memories will live on forever. You have touched us in a way that can never be diluted by the lack of your physical presence. Your smile, your infectious laugh, your witty side was a joy to experience, a mere gift from God you are. We felt your love and we hope that you felt ours. You leave behind your mom, your daughter, two sisters, significant other, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who are devastated by the loss of you and your daughter A'zuri. Funeral Services will be held on Saturday December 16, 2017 at the Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church, 1 Braeton Boulevard, Portmore St. Catherine, at 10:00am, interment follows in the Dovecot Memorial Park. Final care provider's Madden's Funeral Home.
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Dear relatives and friend of miss dawkins;
I want to express my deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of miss dawkins in this time.
I want to share some encouraging words of comfort with you from the bible. The scripture at job 14:14-15,

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M Lewin
"may you continue to find comfort and hope at this stressful time.
"Your dead will live . My corpses will rise up. Awake and shout joyfully you residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, And earth will let those powerless in d

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I would like to extend sympathy to the family. The Creator considers death to be an enemy. God has promised to do away with the enemy death forever.

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Your loved one presence is greatly missed, but pleasant memories remain. May the God of comfort, comfort you and his tender mercies be extended to you all; while you await the final fulfillment of his promise to resurrect the dead.Hosea 13:14; Act

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I as sorry for your lost. Losing two beloved love ones is stressful. May all grieving ones take comfort in the assurances recorded at Isaiah 25:8 where we are promised that God will swallow up death forever and wipe tears from all faces.

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My deep condolence to the Dawkins family on the tragic loss of your two family members. These situations are never easy to deal with but May the promise at Revelation 21:3,4 comfort you knowing that death will be done away with. May you find peace in

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Please accept my deepest condolences in the loss of your loved ones. Death was not part of God's original plan for mankind. He promises to undo death in the future, by means of the resurrection. Our Heavenly Father knows your pain and he cares.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your dear love ones.May our Almighty God comfort you and your family at this time.And may you find comfort in his words at 2:Cor:1,3,4

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Carol Richardson
Through prayer the God of all comfort will continue to provide you with the strength needed to endure during this most difficult time. Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

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This is a note of comfort for your family during your time of grief. Death is an enemy that will be done away with as brought out in the Holy Scriptures. Isaiah 25:8 Good promises to swallow up death forever.

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My condolences to your family on the loss of Kymmesha and A'zuri. Hosea 13 states: "from the power of the grave I will redeem them; from death I will recover them." May that thought give your family a real hope of being reunited again.

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My heartfelt condolences to the family on your loss. may you fine peace, comfort and strength in god's word at isa.41:10at this very sorrowful time.

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So sorry for your loss. Rest assured that Our great God Jehovah hates death; he views it as an enemy. (1 Corinthians 15:26) He has a longing to conquer that enemy, to undo death by means of the resurrection. He yearns to bring back those who are in

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Gale B
"Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs or grave will hear his voice and come out." - John 5:28,29. What a joyful occasion it will be to see your dear Kymmesha and A'zuri!

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E williams
I am so sorry for your lost but in the meides of life we are in death and that is why Jesus promise us a resurrection back to life .but first we have to do his will please look at john 5.28.28 and I know what the family are going through because I

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N. Lewis
So sorry for your loss. The scriptures can be comforting in times like these. We trust you too can find comfort in Gods word. At John 11:38-44 Is the account when Jesus resurrected Lazarus from death. Gods Son will do this on a grand scale soon.

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Please accept condolences for the loss of your loved ones. Noone can set a date to end the pain of your loss. May you find comfort from God's word and put faith in the promise of a resurrection.

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K Douglass
May you find comfort in the resurrection hope promised to us where we can see our dead loved ones in the promised new world Rev 21:3,4

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Madge Christie
Sincere condolences to the Dawkins family.Losing a loved one in death is not easy to bear but take comfort in these words at Acts 24:15. It promises a resurrection for our dear loved ones. Thanks to Jehovah the God of True Comfort. He gives hope.
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I am so sorry for this tragic loss. May loving memories help sustain you. Praying you find peace and comfort knowing that our God feels your pain, and promises at Acts 24:15 that you will see them both again in the resurrection