In loving memory ofRuth Finnegan

Ruth Finnegan
Born: April 4 1924
Died: August 23 2017
The heartbroken family of Ruth would like to honour this wonderful woman's passing. Lovingly remembered by her 11 children and 32 grandchildren she has left behind.
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A Stewart
In the Scriptures, death is clearly explained. Furthermore, the Bible not only reveals why we die but also explains the condition of the dead and offers hope for our deceased loved ones. Finally, it speaks of a momentous time when it will be possible

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May God richly bless your family in these times of sorrow.

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Madge Christie
Sincere condolences to the Finnegan's family. Losing a loved one in death is not easy to bear but here are some comforting words found at Acts 24 : 15. It promises a resurrection for our dear loved ones. Thanks to Jehovah the God of True Comfort.

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My sincere condolences to the Finnegan family. May you find comfort from the God of tender mercies through this difficult time. He knows your pain and he cares. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4.

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My condolences for the loss of a dear loved one. May the God of comfort grant you such at this time. Please find hope in His promises to redeem and recover those lost in death. Hosea 13:14 ; Acts 24:15.

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Death was never God's purpose for his human family God made man to live forever. Isaiah 55:11 is our assurance. Please know that the Creator's purpose will soon be realized under the messianic kingdom. Our loved ones will live again.

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Sorry for the loss of your dear love ones.may you find comfort in knowing that our loving God feels your pain and have a yearning to bring your dear love ones back.Job:14:14,15.

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Gale B
I'm sure it was so hard to see or heard of Ruth Finnegan death. Happy days are ahead at John 5:28,29 "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."

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K Douglass
May you find comfort in the resurrection hope promised to us where you can see your dead loved ones rise in the promised new world Rev 21:3,4

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K Douglass
May you find comfort in the resurrection hope promised to us where you can see your dead loved ones rise in the promised new world Rev 21:3,4

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Dear relatives and friends of Mrs. finnegan;
I want to express my deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of Mrs. Finnegan. In this time i want to share some encouraging words of comfort with you from the bible. The scripture at Job 14:14-15
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M Lewin
Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials so that we may be able to comfort others in any sort of trials with the comfort that we receive from Go