In loving memory ofJulia Newman

NEWMAN - Julia: Age 86, late of 575, 3 East, Greater Portmore, St. Catherine died on February 15, 2017 leaving husband Kenneth, daughter Sharon, granddaughter, great granddaughter, stepdaughter, stepson, sister, nieces, nephews, other relatives & friends.Thanksgiving service will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2017 at the Portmore Missionary Church, 114 Cecile Avenue, Sector F, Edgewater, Portmore, St. Catherine at 11 AM. Interment in the Meadowrest Memorial Gardens. Professional services by Empathy Funeral Home, Lot 55 West Trade Way, Portmore, 704-0759 or 875-2018.
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To Julia Newman's family and friends, I am sorry for your loss and I hope that you all feel better soon. It is found at Isaiah 25:8 that Jehovah, "the Sovereign Lord" would take away all the tears from our eyes. We won't cry anymore. Can't you wait?

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My condolences to the Newman family on the loss of your loved one. Hosea 13:14 states: "From the power of the Grave I will redeem them; from death I will recover them". May those thoughts give your family hope of being reunited with your loved on

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Lewin M
To the family of the late Ms.Julia accept our condolences on the passing of your loved one and always know that Jehovah is greater than our heart note is comforting words in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and Psalms 94:19 and be assured that he will give you al
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Gale B
The sting of death touches our hearts and emotions. Please find comfort in knowing that our Creator can be a source of comfort and hope to all during time of grief. Jehovah promises hope for those asleep in death at 1 Corinthians 15:26.