In loving memory ofGary Abrahams (Demos)

ABRAHAMS - Gary St. Aubyn
(Demos): Age: 40, Late of: Ken
Hill Drive, Kgn. 20. Made his
transition Tuesday August 16, 2016.
Leaving: father Lenroy, mother
Arlene, sons Raheim & Kyle,
grandmother, 5 brothers, 2 sisters,
nieces, nephews, other relatives &
friends. Thanksgiving service will be
held on Saturday September 24,
2016 at Boulevard Baptist Church, 2
Washington Boulevard, Kgn. 20 at
10am. Interment in the family plot,
Mountainside, St. Elizabeth. Dignified
professional services provided by
House of Tranquillity Funeral Home
Home Ltd. (C.P.F.D) 172-172B
Orange Street, Kgn. C.S.O Tel:
967-5352/5291, 924-9678,
305-909-6009 Email:
Read 1,371 times
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My condolences to the Abrahams family. While I can only imagine the pain your family is going through, I pray that the Lord strengthens you, and guide you through your period of mourning. Know that Gary was a joy to be around and he kept those aroun

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Lois C
It pains our Creator to see us grieve over the loss of our loved ones Job14:14 . .If a man dies, can he live again? . You will call, and I will answer you. You will long for the work of your hands. . .

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Latoya Peynado-Edwards
RIP Gary, its so surreal. You were a great friend and I miss you tremendously.

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A wint
So sorry for your loss, please find comfort in God's word at John 5:25.

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My concondolences to the family of Gary:
May the comfort of the Holy Book bring you comfort. Act 24:15 says "And I have hope towards God that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and unrightious."
Warm regards,

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Put your trust and hope in jehovah the only source for comfort 2Corinthians 1:3-4.

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Sorry for your loss. Please find peace and comfort in knowing God cares for you and will help you in your time of need. Jeremiah 29:12 "you will call me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you." God promises to resurrect our loved ones.

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Please accept my sincere condolences. He was to young to leave all his loved ones. May you find comfort in the resurrection hope promised by our Loving God for all those we have lost (Acts 24:15).

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Dionne H
I'm so sorry for your loss. Receiving the right kind of comfort for unplanned circumstances such as death from family and friends is good, but the true source that will strengthen and heal the pain is the only true Jehovah God. 2Corinthians 1:3,4 say

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While grief at the loss of a loved one is great, joy at receiving back a loved one in the resurrection will be greater. (Mark 5:42) God’s Word promises: Many among “the righteous” mentioned at Acts 24:15 will likely be resurrected! How satis

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Lewin M
Condolences to the family and friends of the late Mr. Abraham's, losing a beloved family member is a time of great pain and loss where things seems so difficult but at these times throw your burdens on the one who cares most for you, he will provide

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A Stewart
You might feel that death is a problem that has no solution. But there is a solution—namely, the resurrection that God will carry out by means of his Son. Remember that God wants you to see that solution. He wants you to be there to embrace your lo

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Dear relatives and friends of mr.abraham;
I want to express my deepest condolences to the relatives and friend of mr.abraham. in this time i want to share some encouraging words of comfort with you from the bible. The scripture at Job 14:14-15," you
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My condolences to the Abraham's family. Our Heavenly Father knows you pain and he cares. Our Creator promises"that those powerless in death will live again. Isaiah 26:19 . Please find comfort in knowing this .