In loving memory ofDudley Gordon

GORDON - Dudley Claudius 'D.C.' :
Age 69. Retired Special Sergeant in
the Island Constabulary Force,
affectionally called ‘D.C’. Died on
Monday, February 8, 2016 having
served the Jamaica Constabulary
Force for 18 years. Leaving children,
brothers and sister, grandchildren,
and other relatives and friends.
Funeral Service will be held on
Saturday, March 19, 2016 at the
Greater Portmore Baptist Church,
Hellshire Main Road at 10am.
Interment at Meadowrest Memorial
Gardens. Professional services by
Empathy Funeral Home, Lot 55 West
Trade Way, Portmore, 704-0759 or
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the bible says 'there is going to resurrection" ACTS 24:15

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So sorry for your lost. There is hope and comfort found in the Bible at Act24 : 15.

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You have my deepest sympathy for your lost. There is hope and comfort found in the Bible at Act24 : 15.

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Joan B
We go through so many different emotions when a love one die there is some time a confusing attitude where we want to blame God for the pain,when we view what the Bible tell us Psalm 55:22 God feels for you in your pain. You have my deepest sympathy
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It pains our Creator to see his family grieve over the loss of their loved ones and he has made provisions to undo death. In the book of (Job 14:14, 15)it states: "If a man dies, can he live again? I will wait all the days of my compulsory service