Obits Jamaica - Celebrating Life


In loving memory ofJordan Phillips (J Capri)

Jordan Phillips (J Capri) Jordan Phillips (J Capri) Jordan Phillips (J Capri)

Phillips - Jordan ( J Capri) 23 years old passed away at the University Hospital of the West Indies December 4,2015.J Capri in a coma since being involved in a motor vehicle accident in the Barbican area of St Andrew on November 23,2015.The music fraternity is completely sadden by this lost and wishes their deepest condolence to her friends and family globally.Family, friends and fans will bid their final farewell to entertainer J Capri at a funeral service slated to take place on Monday, December 14 at the UWI Chapel, in St. Andrew at 9:45 a.m.
According to a post made on the artiste’s Instagram page a memorial (Nine-Night) in honour of the 23-year-old entertainer will be held on the 12th of December at The Little Copa Club at 8 Miles in Bull Bay, St. Thomas.

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nyapola kevin

we av lost a biggest star in the world to the family of j Capri and ol dancehall fratanity please accept our condolences from radio mambo Kenyan presenter nyapola kevin

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Gale B

Jehovah God promises that death will be eliminated! Acts 24:15 says in part, "there is going to be a resurrection." My deepest condolences to the family and friend.

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Carol Richardson

My deepest sympathy to the family and friends. May the God of Comfort be with all of you. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4. Please remember Jehovah has promised to resurrect our loved ones who have fallen asleep in death. Acts 24:15. Pleasant memories.

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My condolence to family, friends and all who love and mourn this terrible loss.
Revelation 21 verse 3,4 shows that our tears will be wiped away and the things that cause us sadness will be done away with.

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Malissa Richardson-Bernard

R.I.P j shine bright like a diamond!!

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We can rely on the Grand Creator to help us endure the loss of Miss Jordan for he promises at Psalm 18:2) . . .Jehovah is my crag and my stronghold and the One who rescues me. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and my horn of sa

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What heartbreaking news, I am so very sorry. She was not only talented and beautiful, but also too young. There are no words to ease your pain except those of a loving God who promises that soon there will be no more death, tears and pain (Revelation

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My thoughts are with the family as they mourn this sad loss. The God of love and tender mercies will help you through this difficult time. Jehovah assures us at Isaiah 25:8 that he will swallow up death forever.. that will be a time to rejoicing.

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With my deepest sympathy for your family. When we lose a family member so young we usually ask why there is no answer that we really want to hear,but we do know that we have death is because Adam and Eve sinned. The Creator gives us comfort and

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Madge Christie

Sincere condolences to the Phillips family. It is a sad time right now but here are some comforting words found at Acts 24:15. Thanks to Jehovah the God of True Comfort. He has given us a future and a hope.

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Lewin M

Condolences to the family and friends of the late J Capri, losing a beloved family member is a very sad and painful experience but rest assured that the God and Father of all Tender Mercies will provide the needed help for you all to cope in these st

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