In loving memory ofUna Letman

LETMAN - Una Windella (Aunt/Aunt
Una) : Late of lot 43 Braeton
Meadows, died on November 12,
2015, leaving 2 sons, 8 grand-
children, 6 great grand, nieces,
nephews, other relatives & friends.
Thanksgiving service will be held on
Sunday, December 6, 2015 at the
Old Braeton Church of God Seventh
Day, Cressor Lane, Old Braeton at
12:30 PM. Interment in the
Meadowrest Memorial Gardens.
Professional services by Empathy
Funeral Home, Lot 55 West Trade
Way Portmore 704-0759 or 875-2018.
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Gale B
"Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear is voice and come out." - John 5:28,29