In loving memory ofEna Rose

ROSE - Ena Joyce "Miss Ena": Aged 84 years, late of Aboukir, St Ann, died on October 26, 2015, leaving 5 daughters Clorine, Carole, Yvonne, Sandra and Shearon, 1 son Noel, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, 15 grandchildren, 1 great-grand child, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, November 28, 2015 at St. Luke Anglican Church, Aboukir, St Ann at 11:00 a.m. Interment at the Church Cemetery. Professional services by: Lyn's Funeral Home, Mandevlle.
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Alderine Brady (andrea)
Ms Ena you were such a loving person and your memory will live on through the lives you touched and your children. May your soul RIP.

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Chaise Rose
Mama my love, miss you so much...RIP

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My dearest grandmama, you are dearly missed. Your legacy lives on in our hearts and our actions.

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Shannon Vassell
My NANA i still cant believe your gone. It hurts me so much to lose a wonderful woman like you. I will always love and remember you NANA. RIP

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Patricia Bigger
Well Done Good and Faithful Servant. Mama I miss you and am honored and blessed to have become one of your daughter's. May you RIP

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Rose Miller
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear beloved mother, my condolences to the Rose families. My prayers are with you and just remember thag mommy Rose lived a good life. Her life on earth has finished so that she can enjoy a better life in the Ar

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Leisa Morrison
May you dance & sing with angels and say hi to my mom when you see her. May your soul rest in peace xoxox Leisa

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Jennifer Campbell Johnson
Rest well my neighbor, my friend .

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Julian Blake
God called Ms Ena to rest because he only takes the best. May get soul rest in the comfort of his love and peace.

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Sheron Rose (Indi)
Dearest Mama... you taught all of your children and grandkids everything, except for us to live without you... Our hearts are terrible broken, but we will all find solace in knowing you are at a much better place... out of all your pain. You're with

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Dearest Mama, my friend and confidant, things will never be the same without you. You will forever be in my heart. Love and miss you.RIP. Sleep and take your r

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My mind is still having trouble wrapping itself around the fact that my MAMA is gone. I wish Heaven had visiting hours. I am gonna miss you MAMA. RIP

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MIguel Puig
My deepest sympathy goes out to the Rose family. If you feel bad I am truly sorry but that is just a testament to the kind of person she is. One day you will all be together again.

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I pray the strength of the family who has lost a kind, hardworking and caring woman.

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Taujuana Taylor
May your soul rest in peace and God bless you and your family.

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Rajah Rowe
There is no other like you none even close. aunt/mama you were special to me. Thank you for the memories that you left with me. RIP

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Jennifer Rose {Clore}
Mama you are my everything. You are a great superstar God has created. I know you are singing around the throne of God in heaven. I miss you mama, you will ALWAYS be in my heart.

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Sheryl Wilson
Rest in perfect peace beautiful woman of God. You have earned your wings. To Indi and the rest of the family take comfort she is resting in the arms of the angel.

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Sheryl Wilson
Rest in peace beautiful woman of God. You have earned your wings. To Indi and the rest of the family our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hold on to the memories
Sheryl and the boys

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Sandra Rose (Dorrett)
Dearest Mama...The thought of not seeing you everyday makes me weak. Missing you is an understatement... I LOVE YOU and will forever hold you close and dear to my heart as I did on October 26, 2015... when you departed from your earthly home. R.I.P

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Ramauni Chang (poochie)
Ms. Ena....thanks for your guidance and many stories...I cant remember having a dull moment around you

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jermaine simpson
The memory of you will always be in our hearts, Your love will light our way. Your memory will forever be with us. You will never be forgotten

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Carole and Leslie
Beloved Mama, sleep and take your rest, lay your head on your Savior's breast, we love you well but Jesus love you best, sleep well, sleep tight, goodbye. Always in our hearts. RIP

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Camille Buckley
RIP Ms Rose... Gone but Never Forgotten

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weeping will endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning, Her soul is resting in peace

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Andray Young / Ricky
God will link the broken chain, as one by one we meet again in our hearts he will always stay, loved and remembered every day. God bless you and keep you in his care, until we meet again.

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Love, unite, dedicated, beautiful, powerful, understanding, motivated, memories, outspoken n it never ends

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Charmaine Francis
MAMA... you are the best mother ever. No mother like you. You are a special mum. Irreplaceable not just to me... but to everyone who call you Mama. May you rest in peace under the wings of the Almighty. Lots of Love.
Your child.... Charmaine xoxo

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Romaine A. Reid
I met aunty Rose, probably twice in her life time. During my brief encounters I found her to be a very pleasant person an. My hope for all of us who remain is that we prepare for our appointment with death by making sure we are born again.

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Candice Allen
Miss Ena, you have raised such a wonderful family.Your traditions and values will forever live on with your love ones. I am so happy that i was able to meet you, I will always have you in my memories.

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Jean Wachope
You left this life, but you will never be forgotten. Rip Ena

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Yvonne S.
A mother has no expiration date. We all love u but JESUS loves you best. Sleep n take your rest.

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Gale B
No words can take away the sorrow that you bear. Know that your loved one will be certainly missed. God is near to you in your time of loss. May you find peace in Jehovah the God who comforts all who mourn. (1 Corinthians 1:3)

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robin krasner
Miss Ena, Thank You for creating such a wonderful family and for all you did in your 84 years. You will be terribly missed by all those that love you. More than words can describe. Love, Eric, Robin and Zachary.

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Orincy Whyte
Rest in Paradise sweet mama

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Enore Nieto
Resting where no shadows fall...

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Therica Reid .... Chrissy
When we lose someone we love, we must learn not to live without them.....But to live with the Love they left behind...Ms. Rose you are dearly missed. You were a breath of fresh air to everyone you come in contact with...May the winds of heaven blow s

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Shawn Wallace (Tio)
Mama... Not a day goes by since your passing that I do not think about you. I MISS YOU SO MUCH. I miss hearing you saying "Wah yuh a bother mi fah boy" I know you love me (your first grandson) and I will forever love you and the love you have for us.

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Sharron Burrowes
May you rest in Peace mama Rose. Keep smiling and continue to share your love everywhere you Go.

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Moya Campbell
Mama... I will forever remember all the life lessons that you taught me. I will always try to walk in your footsteps. I LOVE YOU MY GRANDMA.... AND MISS YOU SO MUCH.

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Claston Jr
Love you Aunt ENA. You were a wonderful person. I can't wait to see you, my dad and aunt Fay on that great day! Until then, may your soul rest in peace.

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Laura Turner ( dawkins)
My condolences go out to the Rose Family. May her soul rest in peace. I did not hear of her passing. Stay strong, she will forever be in our hearts.
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