In loving memory ofFancita Richards

RICHARDS - Fancita Beatrice (Sister
B, Miss B, Mother Richards): Late of
Jamaica Evangelistic Centre, 86E
Waltham Park Road and Lifeline
Pentecostal, New York, USA, died on
October 27, 2015, leaving 8 children,
8 grandchildren, 3 great
grandchildren, brothers and sisters in
Portland and New York, USA. Funeral
Service will be held on November 8,
2015 at Lifeline Pentecostal, New
York, USA at 12:00 pm. Interment in
the New York cemetery.
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This Tribute Message was sent by
Gale B
My sincere condolences. The Bible provides hope and comfort for us and talks about a time when death will be gone forever. (Revelation 21:3,4)
This Tribute Message was sent by
Pam Richardson
Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your dear loved one. The Bible provides much hope and comfort for the bereaved and talks about a time when death will be gone forever! (Revelation 21:3&4)