In loving memory ofThomas Nembhard

NEMBHARD - Thomas Elijah "Papa
Son, Shut & Papa": Late of Arthur
Seat, Clarendon. Died on Tuesday
28, 2015, leaving 9 children, grand
and great grandchildren, brothers,
sisters, nieces, nephews, other
relatives and friends.
The body leaves Roberts Funeral
home on Saturday, August 22, 2015
to the Seven Ground Church of God
of Prophecy, Seven Ground,
Clarendon for thanksgiving service at
11:00 am. Interment follows in the
fmaily plot, Arthur Seat, Clarendon.
Funeral Directors: Roberts Funeral
Home. 9 Milford Road, Ocho Rios.
Phone 974-2298, 878-1442. Email:
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