In loving memory ofVioris Smith Stewart

STEWART - Vioris Adina nee Smith
(Miss Vie/ Katty): 63 years late of
New Town Foga Road,Four Paths
Clarendon died on Monday June 8,
2015. Leaving Husband Ezekiel,
Mother Annella, 5 children Janet,
Horace, Greg, Carl and Kevis, 14
grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren,
daughters-in-law, son-in-law, 4
brothers, 3 sisters nieces, nephews,
other relatives and friends. Funeral
service will be on July 11 at the
Church of God of Prophesy on Foga
Road at 12 noon. Interment in the
Denbigh Cemetery. Funeral Director:
Audrey E. Williams Funeral Services,
Clarendon Tel: 986-4980/ 986-4982/
461-6755 fax: 902-4226
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