In loving memory ofImogene Dunkley

In honor of beloved mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and aunt. Imogene Dunkley held many different titles in life and she was loved in all the many roles she played in each one. She's preceded in death by her beloved daughter Audrey Simpson. May she rest in peace and watch over us until we join her one day.
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To the family of Imogene, you have my condolences. May you find comfort in knowing that she is resting until Jehovah God restores her back to perfect life without sickness or death(Acts 24:15)! Please visit the website for more information.

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M. Howard
Death deals us such sorrow I am very sorry for your loss but Revelation 21:4 says And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes , and death will be no more,neither will morning nor outcry nor pain be any more .The former things have passed away.

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Muriel Meeks
Miss Imogene, am so sorry reading about you in this way.after not seeing you for over forty years now, knowing from a small child in Jamaica. You was a wonderful woman of character and love. You are now resting in the arms of the Lord, awaiting t

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Please have my deepest sympathy but John 5: 28 gives us great comfort "Do not be amazed at this , for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.

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J Parchment
May the loving memory of your loved one bring you comfort as you await her resurrecion that was promised by Jehovah God at Acts 25:15 "There is going to be a resurrection..." Please accept my condolences.

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Anthony Brown
God Bless you Miss Imo

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MY condolence to Ms. Dunkley's family. Losing a loved one is never easy because we were not initially created to experience such pain. Thankfully, DEATH will be no more! John 5:28-29 reminds us of the RESURRECTION to come! Jehovah's words are true!

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May fond memories of your loved one comfort you at this time. I would like to extend my genuine sympathy to your family. Please consider Isaiah 25:8. For added comfort, refer to JW.ORG.

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Lewin M
condolences to the family and friends of the late Ms. Dunkley, the loss of a loved is the most painful time but as you remember your dear loved one may you remember the fond memories you all shared and know that the God of all comfort yearns to resto
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Carol Richardson
May you find comfort in the hope of the resurrection that our loving Creator Jehovah has promised at Acts 24:15. Pleasant memories as you await this promise of seeing your loved one again.