In loving memory ofDoris Elizabeth Walker

Dear Aunt Dor, It has been 20 long years since your passing but the longing to see you β to hear your voice βto hold your hand becomes stronger with each passing day.There are times when I find myself at a cross road and I yearn your guidance and wisdom. You were my Grand-Aunt, my mother, my father, my everything and I miss you. Your love remains my guide and though I am unable to touch your hand I know you are still by my side. Always in my thoughts.Your Grand-Niece,Sonia
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Joseph Walker
Hi. read your story of your Grand Aunt, it was so nice, I am from the Walker family, it may seems we might be some relative down the family tree. My farther was EARNEST WALKER DIED IN UK, which were I was born. Please email me I would be delighte

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Sonia Wilson
Thinking of you on this your memorial, (October 10, 2016), brings to mind a quote by Thomas Bailey Aldrich -
"What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness."
Always in my thoughts. Your Grand Niece, Sonia

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Please allow your tender memories of your loved one to be a blanket over your heart. Accept my genuine condolences. Please go to WWW.JW.ORG. John 5:28 & 29 and James 1:13.

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Lewin M
May the God of all comfort and hope help you to cope at this time of grief and know that he is greater than your heart and he will provide the love you need at this time note his loving words at Psalms 94 :19 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.
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You have my deepest sympathy though I do not know family I would like to give you some hope for future this can be found at Rev